山中suplexの別棟「MINE」とは/What is the Yamanaka Suplex annex “MINE”?

山中suplexの別棟「MINE」は個々のアイデアを実現していく場所としてのプロジェクトスペースです。 12月のイベント開始時点から契約終了までをプロジェクトの期間として、山中suplexが長期的なスペースの運用を行なっていきます。大阪をはじめ、国内外から様々なクリエイターを招聘し、作品を制作し、その作品が残っていくことで少しずつ部屋の様相が変化していったり、部屋ごとに企画展や演劇パフォーマンス、飲食のイベントなど様々なコンテンツを実施したりすることで、ジャンルレスに人々が滞在し、新しい繋がりを作ることのできる空間がつくられていきます。それは訪れるたびに新鮮さと居心地のよさを感じる、友達の家のような空間かもしれません。最後の1ヶ月間は、1年をかけて作っていったスペースを解体しながら、滞在制作で残された作品や調度品などを販売するイベントなども予定しています。


The Yamanaka Suplex annex “MINE” is a project space that serves as a site for realizing individual ideas. Yamanaka Suplex will be running the space on a long-term basis, from the inaugural event in December until the end of the contract. Various creators from Japan and abroad—including Osaka—will be invited, creating works of art, gradually changing the state of the rooms while the works remain. By organizing various programs in each room, such as special exhibitions, theater performances, and food gathering events, a space without genres will be created where people can stay and make new connections. It could be a space like a friend's home; feeling new and comfortable with each visit. During the final month of the project, while we dismantle the space that was built over the year, we plan to hold an event to sell the works and furnishings left over from the residency.

The annex building “MINE,” a vacant house that formerly lay dormant, is a space for practice; it is a new base for cultural transmission, functioning as a space for community interaction. Whether generating positive ideas or producing the next generation of creators, we will produce new energy in Osaka by expanding efforts to create culture from within the local community. 

Curatorial Statement






The name of the project is derived from the former name of the building wherein the project is based—“Mine Building.” The Japanese word mine has meanings such as “mountain peak” and “high mountain.” The sounds of Yamanaka Suplex, the name of our studio, and “Mine Building” made us think of the way one climbs up a mountain to the summit (mine).

In the former Mine Building, various people resided on the 3rd floor as tenants, while the landlord occupied the 4th and 5th floors. As a building that previously existed as a private space for people, it is a truly unique space—unlike a white cube gallery where one views art.

The members of Yamanaka Suplex spent many hours discussing ways of running the space. Each individual had different things they wanted to do, and there was a flurry of unique and interesting ideas. As we tried to bring together these individual opinions however, they became less interesting, and we began to question whether these ideas were what we—Yamanaka Suplex—really wanted to pursue.

While we had many ideas and wondered whether to combine them into one, we realized that rather than integrating them into a single idea, we could turn it into a space where each of the artist’s “own ideas” could be realized one by one. In a place once called “Mine Building,” the new space “MINE”—taking its English meaning “my own”—will be completed through the overlapping of many different “my rooms.”

山中suplex/Yamanaka Suplex

山中suplexの別棟「MINE」/Yamanaka Suplex annex "MINE

期間:2022年12月10日[土] 〜 約1年間

所在地〒550-0013 大阪府大阪市西区新町2-9-4 NANEI 新町 bld. GALLERY 02 街区

Project period: Saturday, December 10, 2022 – approximately one year

Address: GALLERY 02 NANEI Shinmachi bld. 2-9-4 Shinmachi, Nishi-ku, Osaka 550-0013, Japan


山中suplexの別棟「MINE」いちかばちか大阪でアートセンターをやってみる/Yamanaka Suplex annex “MINE”Goes for an Art Center

主催:山中suplex/Yamanaka Suplex




Organizer: Yamanaka Suplex

Co-organizer: NANEI ART PROJECT (NANEI Ltd.) 

Cooperation: Takamizawa Art Projects

Grants: City of Osaka Subsidy for Artistic Projects and Activities, Toshiaki Ogasawara Memorial Foundation


山中suplexの別棟「MINE」/Yamanaka Suplex annex “MINE”

主催:NANEI ART PROJECT(NANEI株式会社) & 山中suplex/Yamanaka Suplex



Organizer: NANEI ART PROJECT (NANEI Ltd.) & Yamanaka Suplex

Direction: Takamizawa Art Projects

Grant: Arts Support Kansai

山中suplexは、2014年に設立された滋賀県大津市山中町にある共同スタジオです。京都の市街地から車で約15分、京都と滋賀の県境にある比叡山に位置しており、樹脂、金属加工、石彫や、木工などの立体表現や、屋外での大規模な作品制作を実現することが可能です。当初から段階的に制作スペースや専門機材などを拡充し、2016年からは半屋外の「山中suplexギャラリー」も設置しました。個人制作だけに限らず山中suplexとしても、イベント、展覧会、ワークショップなどを企画・実施しており、制作だけではなく発表のスペースとしても機能しつつ、芸術家による持続可能な活動への支援や芸術家同士のフレンドシップに重きを置いて活動しています。これまでの主な展覧会に、「余の光、血の塩」(東京・京都、2021)、「類比の鏡/The Analogical Mirrors」(滋賀、2020)、「山中suplexのみんなと、尼崎にいるあなた」(兵庫、2019)など。

Yamanaka Suplex was established in 2014 as a shared studio in Otsu city, located on Mount Hiei on the border between the Kyoto and Shiga Prefectures in western Japan. The studio occupies a large space, and various facilities are dedicated to making mainly sculptural works using materials such as plastic, iron, rock, ceramic, and wood. This environment not only enables artists to create large-scale art pieces, but also gives opportunities for the space to be used for purposes such as filming, performances, and talk events. In 2016, the studio also established Yamanaka Suplex Gallery in a semi-outdoor space. Since 2019 Yamanaka Suplex has been organizing the Yamanaka Artist-in-Residence program to open up international exchange and forge artists’ networks with local cultural practitioners around the world. Apart from the individual practices of the artists situated in the studio, Yamanaka Suplex—as an organization—curates shows, takes part in exhibitions held in cultural institutions, and holds workshops in various venues, all of which are aimed at supporting artistic activities and encouraging artists' friendships. Past exhibitions include Light of My World, Salt of the Blood (Tokyo & Kyoto, 2021), The Analogical Mirrors (Shiga, 2020), Show and Tell: The Artists of Yamanaka Suplex and You (Hyogo, 2019).